fizzle out

美 [ˈfɪzl aʊt]英 [ˈfɪzl aʊt]
  • 虎头蛇尾地结束
fizzle outfizzle out


end weakly
The music just petered out--there was no proper ending
Synonym: taper off peter out fizzle


  1. Without a sense of urgency , the change program will fizzle out quickly .


  2. This uprising could fizzle out just as fast as it has exploded .


  3. There is a bear market rally but , like the previous ones , it is going to fizzle out .


  4. Well , it may just turn out to be an infatuation that may fizzle out sooner than you realize .


  5. In some countries , protests will fizzle out .


  6. Would their age-old traditions fizzle out ?


  7. The subsequent market rallies that accompany such moves usually fizzle out after it becomes clear that the root of the problem still exists .


  8. Some simply fizzle out , victims of routine life events such as moves , job changes , divorce or a divergence of interests .


  9. Move too quickly and his reflationary experiment might fizzle out as hard-pressed consumers snap shut their wallets .


  10. Romance does not have to fizzle out in long-term relationships and progress into a companionship / friendship-type love , a new study has found .


  11. Or with weak those who fizzle out is Anacreontic and tonal build a joy , cordial atmosphere .


  12. Some simply fizzle out , victims of routine life events such as moves , job changes , divorce or a divergence of interests . Others end badly .


  13. Smaller observatories often have greater availability , so they can grant observing time to riskier projects that might fizzle out - or produce a breakthrough discovery .


  14. But their happiness should be tempered by the reflection that in both 2010 and 2011 , job growth started out briskly only to fizzle out again .


  15. Sceptics argue that the financial system is broken , over-indebted consumers have reached breaking point and the recovery in business confidence will fizzle out as state-financed vehicle incentive schemes end .


  16. There have been complaints about its unusual character development and plot twists , but these criticisms will soon fizzle out as the show 's music and memory stretch into the future .


  17. And this time it might not fizzle out the way an end-of-1992 surge did - It might - cross fingers , knock on wood - continue at a steady pace through next year or beyond . (


  18. The effects of tax policies that steal demand from the future such as the US " cash for clunkers " scheme , tax credits for home buyers or cash for green appliances will fizzle out .


  19. Tropical storms starting off by the Gulf of Mexico or , in the case of sandy , Venezuela , tended to lose energy and fizzle out when they hit the cold northern ocean .
